How Can I Protect Myself from COVID-19


• Filed to: Infographic

This is a special time for COVID-19 to spread throughout the world. It is most often spread through close personal contact (including touching and shaking hands), or through touching your nose, mouth or eyes before washing your hands. It is necessary for every person to keep safe not only for their own good but for the people who are more at risk. To keep safe from the Coronavirus self-prevention and hygienic care is important. Here, PDFelement Pro wants to share 7 basic measures on how to protect yourself from COVID-19:

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1. Be hygienic, wash hands frequently: The virus can stay on skin surfaces for longer and continue to grow. To keep safe, it is recommended to wash your hands frequently with warm water and soap. The best way is to wash your hands at least for 20 seconds. Dry your hands with a single used towel or clean cloth. Repeat this process every time after you blow your nose, or you are about to have your meal. Also, rinse your nose and mouth with lukewarm water more often.

2. Avoid touching nose, eyes, and mouth: Your hands experience exposure to a lot of surfaces containing various viruses and bacteria, therefore un-necessary touch to nose, eyes or mouth can provide the viruses a route for transmission to the body. Hence, do not touch yourself un-necessarily.

3. Avoid hugs and handshakes: In this virus season, avoid close contact, handshakes, and hugs with the people you meet. If you care for people greet them with good words, not with a touch. Remember, it’s better to be safe than to be Sorry.

4. Isolate yourself: Avoid gatherings and stay at home for as long as possible. Do not go out until or unless it is important. Have some time for yourself, read books, watch your favorite season or have rest.

5. Disinfect frequently used surfaces: Certain surfaces such as doorknobs, tables, light switches, and keyboards, etc. which experience frequent touches. Hence, these surfaces are more prone to diseases. So, it is recommended to clean and disinfect these surfaces frequently.

6. Keep a sanitizer handy: It's not possible to have handwashing facilities everywhere, it is better to keep an alcohol-based hand sanitizer in your pocket. The sanitizer must contain at least 60 percent alcohol. You can make your own at home as well with Aloe vera gel, water, and alcohol.

7. Use a mask when outdoors: Primarily, it is recommended to stay at home if you can. In case you need to go out always keep your mouth and nose covered with a mask. Not only that, but it is also recommended to use a mask while coughing or sneezing. But with that, it should also be noted that you do not need to wear a mask if you are not sick.

8. Boost your immune: To fight against this virus, you need to boost your immune with a good diet. Make sure to include Vitamin C in your diet. Use fruits enriched with vitamin C. This is the best time to focus on your diet.

9. Seek medical care when needed: If you discover any symptoms, it is better to seek medical assistance from your doctor and go for self-isolation. If recommended by your Physician, then go for the COVID-19 test.

10. Do not Panic: This is the most important tip to remember; you do not need to panic in any situation. Just take precautionary measures as much as you can, but panicking will only worsen the situation. Keep yourself composed to fight with COVID-19.

It is important to note here that coronavirus is an infectious disease that can communicate from person to person. Any person whether diagnosed with corona or having mild symptoms can be a carrier to the disease. The best cure for this disease is self-prevention and personal hygienic care. Hence, it is recommended to stay indoors, avoid public gatherings, maintain social distance and stay safe.


Ivan Cook

chief Editor

> Infographic > How Can I Protect Myself from COVID-19