Top 5 Document Control Management Software Systems
You may be wondering what benefits a document control software system can bring. Well, the answer is simple: you no longer have to deal with the tiring operations of handling important papers. This should convince you to use such software almost instantly, given the fact that it will allow you to manage all your documents from a single place, without having to worry about revision or duplicates anymore. Document control management software systems are popular for simply increasing the overall efficiency of any related process. Plus, you won’t need to think about your information security anymore, since using this kind of software keeps everything safe at all times.
5 Best Document Control Management Software Systems
1. PDFelement Pro
One of the first Document Control Management Software that you can use is PDFelement Pro . This program comes with a variety of options and tools to suit your every requirement and need. PDFelement Pro offers its users the possibility to easily edit PDF documents, including images and pages. Plus, you will be able to markup documents for adding comments or notes using specific tools that will ease your work tremendously. Converting PDF files to other document extensions like .doc, .ppt or .xls or even .jpg is highly required taking into account that a user will need its information in more than one single format. Here is a short list with the essential features of PDFelement Pro:
Main Features:
- Offers a “Create PDF” option which will allow you to build a PDF file from scratch, no matter what your info source is: webpages, images, text files etc.
- Allows batch processing, essential for an efficient workflow which will make a big difference when working with company documents
- Allows converting multiple files at once, extract data in batch and many other
- Allows combining and splitting different PDF files, which is a feature that can help you save a lot of time by integrating documents that you want to keep together when storing them (finding the documents will be much easier if their location is the same)
As mentioned before, security is not an issue since you are able to encrypt your files with a password or remove it whenever you please.

2. MasterControl Document Control Software Systems
MasterControl assures their clients with an effective collaboration process. MasterControl Document Control Software Systems can offer their users the following key features:
- Set up roles for each and every user that has access to the software (this kind of flexibility allows data protection and security from potentially unwanted changes)
- MasterControl has a built-in collaboration workspace which is backed up by increased audit preparedness, keeping in mind how important it is to find documents you need exactly when you need them
- With MasterControl Document Control Software Systems you will be using a responsive interface with an integrated Hub that contains easy-to-access tiles
- If you want to maintain everything organized, you should know about the MasterControl Explorer, which will help you to access files with associated metadata

3. ETQ Document Control Software
With ETW Software users can import or create new documents into the platform, along with their specific metadata and attachments. This way, it is much easier to link documents that are related to each other and find them all at once when needed. This Software also offers their users the main features as follow:
- Integrate the platform with the entire Microsoft Office suite or other 3rd party repositories such as Documentum.
- Moving in the virtual environment means you will enjoy the automatic sequential numbering for the documents you are uploading, with the possibility of adding both a prefix and a suffix.

4. Intelex Document Control Software
Document Control becomes even simpler than before with the help of Intelex. With this software users will be able to:
- Bentralize their documents and improve the entire organizational system
- By uploading and storing each of your documents on one single platform, you will have everything centralized and much easier to work with or find when necessary
- The review and approval time will be shortened visibly, because Intelex has a lifecycle management feature that allows users to build templates before approval
- In addition, the user will have full visibility and access to the documents, while being able to track his record of legal or auditing activities

5. Docxellent Document Control Management
Docxellent is great for implementing managing your documents online, firstly because it is one of the most configurable software for this purpose. Here are its key features:
- Your document system can be organized after your own preferences and requirements, without any kind of trouble in using the platform
- This software offers an instant access to information, auto-renditions for PDF files from Microsoft Office documents and even unlimited linking to every document uploaded
- The content and metadata indexing engine are integrated into the platform, making the job of the user much easier from the very beginning

Ivan Cook
chief Editor